In addition, I am offering garden seed from 2008.

Dionysia aretioides                                                                             20 seed            5,00 €
Dionysia involucrata                                          red                            10 seed            4,00 €
Dionysia involucrata                                          alba                           10 seed            5,00 €
Dionysia teucrioides                                                                           20 seed            5,00 €
Dionysia microphylla                                                                                               10 seed            5,00 €
Dionysia freitagii                                                                                                      10 seed           5,00€

Dionysia hybrid seed from 2008.

These hybrids were NOT HAND POLLINATED, but were pollinated by bees, flies and butterflies.

When you buy this Dionysia Hybrid Seed, it is possible that you have a variety of seedlings, different cushions and colors.I can furnish you only the ID Number of the mother plant, the rest is a surprise.

Dionysia hybrids are most of the time easier to cultivate then species with very impressive blooming colors.

JM   97120/26                                                                                                      12 seed         4,00 €

JM   97                                   120/49                                                                              12 seed          4,00 €

JM   97128/1                                                                                                          12 seed         4,00 €

JM   97145/10                                                                                                       12 seed         4,00 €

JM   97146/25                                                                                                       12 seed         4,00 €

JM   97296/1                                                                                                         12 seed          4,00 €

JM   97289/5                                                                                                         12 seed          4,00 €

JM   9807/45                                                                                                         12 seed          4,00 €

JM   9818a/1                                                                                                         12 seed          4,00 €

JM   9818a/29                                                                                                       12 seed          4,00 €

JM   98120/70                                                                                                       12 seed          4,00 €


I wish you a lot of fun and success with your Dionisyias.

Mailing Fees: Europe 3,00 Euro. All other countries: 5,00 Euros

Payment from foreign counties with cash only.
Orders under 20,00 Euro will be charged an additional 2,00 Euro.